Source code for hts.hierarchy.utils

import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import pandas

from hts._t import NAryTreeT
from hts.core.exceptions import InvalidArgumentException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_iterable(nodes: NAryTreeT, prop="key"): if not prop: it = [nodes] + nodes.traversal_level() else: it = [getattr(nodes, prop)] + [ getattr(k, prop) for k in nodes.traversal_level() ] return it
[docs]def fetch_cols(exogenous, name) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[List[str]]]: if not exogenous: return [name], None exog = exogenous.get(name, None) cols = [name] + exog if exog else [name] return cols, exog
[docs]def hexify(df, lat_col, lon_col, levels=(6, 8)) -> Optional[pandas.DataFrame]: try: from h3 import h3 except ImportError: # pragma: no cover logger.error( "h3-py must be installed for geo hashing capabilities. Exiting." "Install it with: pip install scikit-hts[geo]" ) return for r in range(levels[0], levels[1] + 1): df[f"hex_index_{r}"] = df.apply( lambda x: h3.geo_to_h3(x[lat_col], x[lon_col], r), 1 ) return df
[docs]def resample_count(df: pandas.DataFrame, freq: str, colname: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: _df = pandas.DataFrame({colname: df.index}, index=df.index) return _df.resample(freq).agg("count")
[docs]def groupify( root_node, df, freq="1H", nodes=None, min_count=0.1, total=None ) -> NAryTreeT: """ Parameters ---------- fillna root_node : NAryTreeT df : pandas.DataFrame freq : str resample frequency nodes : tuple Hierarchy node min_count : int or float Minimum number of observations for a node to be used. If float, it represents a fraction of values that need to be non NaNs and must be between 0 and 1 total : pandas.DataFrame: Name of root node Returns ------- """ child_group = nodes[0] # city children = df[child_group].unique() # berlin, munich, ... # add first level children for child in children: sub_df = df[df[child_group] == child] resampled = resample_count(sub_df, freq, child) root_node.add_child(key=child, item=resampled, exogenous=None) # add the rest for node in nodes[1:]: parent_group = child_group child_group = node # hex_index_6 children = df[child_group].unique() # abcccc, abccf, ... for child in children: sub_df = df[df[child_group] == child] if isinstance(min_count, float): allowance = len(total) * min_count elif isinstance(min_count, int): allowance = min_count else: raise InvalidArgumentException( "min_count must be either float or integer" ) if len(sub_df) < allowance: continue parent_name = sub_df[parent_group].value_counts().index[0] resampled = resample_count(sub_df, freq, child) for c in root_node.traversal_level(): if c.key == parent_name: c.add_child(key=child, item=resampled, exogenous=None) return root_node