Source code for hts.hierarchy

import weakref
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas

from hts._t import ExogT, NAryTreeT, NodesT
from hts.hierarchy.utils import (
from hts.viz.geo import HierarchyVisualizer

[docs]class HierarchyTree(NAryTreeT): """ A generic N-ary tree implementations, that uses a list to store it's children. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_geo_events( cls, df: pandas.DataFrame, lat_col: str, lon_col: str, nodes: Tuple, levels: Tuple[int, int] = (6, 7), resample_freq: str = "1H", min_count: Union[float, int] = 0.2, root_name: str = "total", fillna: bool = False, ): """ Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame lat_col : str Column where the latitude coordinates can be found lon_col : str Column where the longitude coordinates can be found nodes : str levels : resample_freq min_count root_name fillna Returns ------- HierarchyTree """ hexified = hexify(df, lat_col, lon_col, levels=levels) total = resample_count(hexified, resample_freq, root_name) hierarchy = cls(key=root_name, item=total) grouped = groupify( hierarchy, df=hexified, nodes=nodes, freq=resample_freq, min_count=min_count, total=total, ) # TODO: more flexible strategy if fillna: df = grouped.to_pandas() df = df.fillna(method="ffill").dropna() for node in make_iterable(grouped, prop=None): repl = df[[node.key]] node.item = repl return grouped
[docs] @classmethod def from_nodes( cls, nodes: NodesT, df: pandas.DataFrame, exogenous: ExogT = None, root: Union[str, "HierarchyTree"] = "total", top: "HierarchyTree" = None, stack: List = None, ): """ Standard method for creating a hierarchy from nodes and a dataframe containing as columns those nodes. The nodes are represented as a dictionary containing as keys the nodes, and as values list of edges. See the examples for usage. The total column must be named total and not something else. Parameters ---------- nodes : NodesT Nodes definition. See ``Examples``. df : pandas.DataFrame The actual data containing the nodes exogenous : ExogT The nodes representing the exogenous variables root : Union[str, HierarchyTree] The name of the root node top : HierarchyTree Not to be used for initialisation, only in recursive calls stack : list Not to be used for initialisation, only in recursive calls Returns ------- hierarchy : HierarchyTree The hierarchy tree representation of your data Examples -------- In this example we will create a tree from some multivariate data >>> from hts.utilities.load_data import load_mobility_data >>> from hts.hierarchy import HierarchyTree >>> hmv = load_mobility_data() >>> hmv.head() WF-01 CH-07 BT-01 CBD-13 SLU-15 CH-02 CH-08 SLU-01 BT-03 CH-05 SLU-19 SLU-07 SLU-02 CH-01 total CH SLU BT OTHER temp precipitation starttime 2014-10-13 16 14 20 16 20 42 24 24 12 22 14 2 8 6 240 108 68 32 32 62.0 0.00 2014-10-14 22 28 28 38 36 36 42 40 14 26 18 32 16 18 394 150 142 42 60 59.0 0.11 2014-10-15 10 14 8 20 18 38 16 28 18 10 0 24 10 16 230 94 80 26 30 58.0 0.45 2014-10-16 22 18 24 44 44 40 24 20 22 18 8 26 14 14 338 114 112 46 66 61.0 0.00 2014-10-17 8 12 16 20 18 22 32 12 8 28 10 30 8 10 234 104 78 24 28 60.0 0.14 >>> hier = { 'total': ['CH', 'SLU', 'BT', 'OTHER'], 'CH': ['CH-07', 'CH-02', 'CH-08', 'CH-05', 'CH-01'], 'SLU': ['SLU-15', 'SLU-01', 'SLU-19', 'SLU-07', 'SLU-02'], 'BT': ['BT-01', 'BT-03'], 'OTHER': ['WF-01', 'CBD-13'] } >>> exogenous = {k: ['precipitation', 'temp'] for k in hmv.columns if k not in ['precipitation', 'temp']} >>> ht = HierarchyTree.from_nodes(hier, hmv, exogenous=exogenous) >>> print(ht) - total |- CH | |- CH-07 | |- CH-02 | |- CH-08 | |- CH-05 | - CH-01 |- SLU | |- SLU-15 | |- SLU-01 | |- SLU-19 | |- SLU-07 | - SLU-02 |- BT | |- BT-01 | - BT-03 - OTHER |- WF-01 - CBD-13 """ if stack is None: stack = [] cols, ex = fetch_cols(exogenous, root) root = HierarchyTree( key=root, item=df[cols], exogenous=ex ) # root node is created top = root # it is stored in b variable x = root.key # root.val = 2 for the first time if len(nodes[x]) > 0: # check if there are children of the node exists or not for i in range(len(nodes[x])): # iterate through each child key = nodes[x][i] cols, ex = fetch_cols(exogenous, key) y = HierarchyTree( key=key, item=df[cols], exogenous=ex ) # create Node for every child root.children.append(y) # append the child_node to its parent_node stack.append(y) # store that child_node in stack if ( y.key not in nodes.keys() ): # if the child_node_val = 0 that is the parent = leaf stack.pop() # pop the 0 value from the stack if len(stack): if len(stack) >= 2: # bottom-to-top tmp_root = stack.pop(0) else: tmp_root = stack.pop() cls.from_nodes( nodes=nodes, df=df, exogenous=exogenous, root=tmp_root, top=top, stack=stack, ) # pass tmp_root to the function as root return top
def __init__( self, key: str = None, item: Union[pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame] = None, exogenous: List[str] = None, children: List[NAryTreeT] = None, parent: NAryTreeT = None, ): self.key = key self.item = item if exogenous: self.exogenous = exogenous else: self.exogenous = [] self.children = children or [] self._parent = weakref.ref(parent) if parent else None self.visualizer = HierarchyVisualizer(self)
[docs] def get_node(self, key: str) -> Optional[NAryTreeT]: """ Get a node given its key Parameters ---------- key: str The key of the node of interest Returns ------- node : HierarchyTree The node of interest """ for node in self.traversal_level(): if node.key == key: return node return None
[docs] def traversal_level(self) -> List[NAryTreeT]: """ Level order traversal of the tree Returns ------- list of nodes """ res = [] q = deque([(self, 0)]) while q: n, li = q.popleft() if len(res) < li + 1: res.append([]) for i in n.children: q.append((i, li + 1)) res[li].extend(n.children) return list(chain.from_iterable(res[:-1]))
[docs] def num_nodes(self) -> int: """ Return the of nodes in the tree Returns ------- num nodes : int """ return sum(chain.from_iterable(self.level_order_traversal()))
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """ Check if node is a leaf Node Returns ------- bool True or False """ return len(self.children) == 0
def value_at_height(self, level: int) -> List: if level == 0: return [1] return self.level_order_traversal()[level - 1] def sum_at_height(self, level) -> int: return sum(self.value_at_height(level)) def get_height(self) -> int: return len(self.level_order_traversal()) def get_node_height(self, key: str) -> int: for node in self.traversal_level(): if node.key == key: return node.get_height() return -1
[docs] def level_order_traversal(self: NAryTreeT) -> List[List[int]]: """ Iterate through the tree in level order, getting the number of children for each node Returns ------- list[list[int]] """ res = [] q = deque([(self, 0)]) while q: n, li = q.popleft() if len(res) < li + 1: res.append([]) for i in n.children: q.append((i, li + 1)) res[li].append(len(n.children)) return res[:-1]
[docs] def get_level_order_labels(self: NAryTreeT) -> List[List[str]]: """ Get the associated node labels from the NAryTreeT level_order_traversal(). Parameters ---------- self: NAryTreeT Tree being searched. Returns ------- List[List[str]] Node labels corresponding to level order traversal. """ labels = [] q = deque([(self, 0)]) while q: n, li = q.popleft() if len(labels) < li + 1: labels.append([]) for i in n.children: q.append((i, li + 1)) labels[li].append(n.key) return labels
def add_child(self, key=None, item=None, exogenous=None) -> NAryTreeT: child = HierarchyTree(key=key, item=item, exogenous=exogenous, parent=self) self.children.append(child) return child def leaf_sum(self) -> int: return sum(self.level_order_traversal()[-1])
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Transforms the hierarchy into a pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe representation of the tree """ df = pandas.concat( [self.item] + [c.item[c.key] for c in self.traversal_level()], 1 ) = "ds" return df
def get_series(self) -> pandas.Series: return self.item[self.key]